Light Up Your Life

Enjoy The Benefits of [LED] Light Therapy 
At Home, While Working - Wherever you Want 
For a Quick Beauty Boost w|Zero Downtime! 

LED or "light-emitting diode" therapy is a skincare treatment that works by emitting infrared light [which causes heat] in varying, yet specific, wavelengths to illicit different skincare benefits. NASA originally developed it for plant growth experiments on shuttle missions and later the U.S. Navy SEALs found it to have promise for wound healing treatments; healing men's wounds quickly, regenerating damaged muscle tissues and interestingly blue light therapy improved the healing of third-degree skin burns. LED light therapy is often used by some aestheticians and in many spas/medispas to help reduce inflammation, regenerate the skin from aging, speed up healing, reduce dark spots, increase collagen production, kill bacteria that cause breakouts and decrease scarring; it also reduces the appearance of damage from age spots and wrinkles.

In order to receive light therapy, you had to pay upwards of hundreds of dollars and at least 10 visits to start seeing the results promised; however, there are many units on the market today you can use safely and comfortably at home. True, the at-home treatments don't yield the same results as quickly since the equipment used at spas and estheticians offices are stronger, but you are able to keep your at-home unit and use it over and again until you Do see the results you're seeking. LED light therapy can improve and smooth out your skin over time when used as directed, meaning at home units are just as effective, they just take more treatments (at lower frequencies) to achieve it - potentially still within the same amount of time.

Common Misconceptions Busted:

  • LEDs do No contain ultraviolet rays [therefore, they’re safe for regular use]
  • LED light therapy doesn’t cause burns [unlike other anti-aging treatments such as chemical peels, dermabrasion, and laser therapy]
  • At Home LED units can be just as effective as office visits [just less dramatic at first, but you can achieve your end goal with more and prolonged use]

Using your LED mask or wand at home, at the end of your day, is a good time to sit back, decompress and take 20 - 60 minutes (as per the manufacturer’s instructions) to yourself. Before you begin, you should always cleanse your face (and/or any other areas of treatment; this can technically be used on any part of the body, its most popular use is for the face since skin damage tends to occur there first because it’s exposed to the elements more than other body parts). It's a good idea to charge up your unit while you complete your full skincare routine. ie: cleanse, apply toners, serums, and moisturizers You do this because it's Always best to start with a clean surface to allow the light to permeate through to help rejuvenate dull/tired skin exposed to environmental factors. Further, the LED light helps to optimize your favorite products by stimulating blood flow in the treatment area.

Now let's get into the Really Interesting Part - the different colors and what they do:

Red Light [Anti-Aging]
Used for treating the epidermis - which is the outer layer of skin. The epidermis absorbs the light and in turn, stimulates collagen proteins which tighten skin, causing it to appear smoother and fuller (reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles). Red is also known to improve blood circulation, reduce inflammation, increase elasticity, and revitalize cells giving you a healthy glow.


Blue Light [Anti-Acne]
Used for its anti-bacterial benefits, it can kill acne-causing bacteria beneath the skin, which can help treat severe acne pimples, including cysts and nodules making it the optimal choice in acne treatment. It does this by targeting and sterilizing the sebaceous glands or oil glands. They’re located beneath your hair follicles and are necessary for lubricating your skin and hair so that it doesn’t dry out. However, these glands can become overactive, leading to oily skin and acne; blue can target these oil glands, shrink them, and make them less active. Blue light therapy has also been used to treat depression/mental stress and has been shown to promote oxygen radicals, reduce inflammation and scarring.


Amber Light [Edema + Pigment Reducer]
Used to flush waste from the skin, boost lymphatic flow - preventing edema or swelling, and increase cellular growth aiding in cell turn-over or the production of new cells. Amber light therapy also helps to stimulate red blood cells, reduce pigmentation, reduce vascular skin problems/redness [ie: rosacia] and balance skin texture.


Purple Light [Cell Rejuvination]
Combination of Red + Blue light; anti-aging, sterilization of acne producing bacteria, reduces inflammation/scarring/fine lines and wrinkles.


Green Light [Skin Balancer]
Used to reduce hyperpigmentation, balances oily skin, relieves mental stress (on a different plane, some folks prefer this hue) and aids in lymphatic drainage. Best used in conjunction with Blue light.


White Light [Cell Stimulant]
Used to speed up skin metabolism, tightens loose skin, reduces fine lines and wrinkles, reduces hyperpigmentation, reduces inflammation, and scarring all by penetrating your skins deepest layer. Best used in conjunction with all other colors.

Don't forget that LED therapy can also be used on the hands, neck and chest (pretty much any area of the skin that has prolonged exposure to the elements) which are other parts of the body that tend to show signs of aging.

One Thing you Should Not Do: Use LED light therapy if you take Accutane for acne (this is a powerful drug derived from vitamin A which increases your skin’s sensitivity to light), or if you’re experiencing skin rashes; with LED therapy, side effects are rare but may include increased inflammation, redness, and rashes. As with any new skincare product, you should always consult with your doctor/dermatologist before use to be absolutely sure it's safe for you.

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