The Mimos Pillow

I know most of you are expecting to see a lot of accessory related items here (and yes, there will be some) but, this blog allows me a platform to shamelessly promote places and things I believe make the world go round. On "The it List" are things that I covet and think you'll all enjoy; from items that will make mom's & dad's lives easier, to fitness fads, trends millennials follow, a smorgasbord of gadgets and recipes that make up a foodies dream, places you a Have to visit - everything and anything that might tickle our fancy. That being said, this week's obsession is the Mimos Pillow.

The Most Supportive pillow for Your Littles

Like every paranoid mom (in my case) you consistently worry about your kids. My second is seemingly a bit lazier than my first and as such around the 5 month mark, I noticed that the back of his little head was a bit flatter than I thought it should be. Trying to get this one to stay on his tummy for even 5 minutes [at the appropriate age] was a bit difficult to say the least - he Absolutely hated it and wanted nothing more than to be on his back. He learned very quickly how to turn himself over from tummy to back just to satisfy his desperate want to lay supine. So, I began my search. I scoured the internet to see if there was anything I could do to at least prevent his flat spot from getting any worse. After considering a few [Much Cheaper] options, I went with the Mimos pillow. Moms all over the internet/review boards raved about it and the results their little ones had using it. Some even claimed that it helped to not only prevent the flat spot from causing a much bigger problem but that it actually helped to reverse the issue, allowing for their baby's head to take on a more natural, round shape. Therefore, despite its hefty price tag, I was Sold! My baby deserved whatever might help him. So, after a bit more research (and a substantial amount of consideration), I took the plunge and found it where just about everything else is sold - Amazon. Now, being an accidental Prime customer, I ordered the very expensive piece of 'foam'. Which is actually made of something far more technical. It's 100% oekotex certified spacer fabric. And one of the Largest selling points for me was the fact that it is 100% breathable. 94% of the volume is air. Did I mention that I'm paranoid...? I worry about literally E-ve-ry-thing, SIDS being one of the things on a very long list of concerns. 

I put the order in at about 1am and the pillow was on my doorstep at noon that same day! Thank You Amazon! (and Uncle Alex ;) Pretty unbelievable. In NYC, you have to hire a private courier for that kind of service. Needless to say, I was Extremely excited to see if this thing would work. And even more anxious to see how my little guy would take to having this beneath his head each and every time he was laid on his back. First thing I took note of when I took it out of the box was how Small it was. Initially, I thought "have I been duped...?" then "Did I order the right damn thing?". The answers were No & Yes, I checked. Twice. After heavily debating taking this tiny expensive item out of its protective plastic cover, I opened it and stuck it under my baby's head. He looked a teensy bit confused for about half a second, then, Smiled! I haven't had one issue with him rejecting the idea of having to spend any time laying on this amazing little pillow. He's able to move his head around and dare I say it, he seems even More comfortable having this under his head. Likely due to the fact that it places his head and neck in a better (more supported) position. We've only had the pillow for about a week so far but in that week, I can say that I genuinely feel better about what the results will be in a few more. I will definitely post an update on his progress. In the meantime, here's a link to the pillow (there is a cover but it's a separate item & cost):


I Highly recommend taking it all in and reading through the information on their entire site. It's helpful to understand what you're spending your hard earned money on. There's a ton of valuable information on it. Seriously, read through it all. That being said, this is in no way meant to take the place of a medical diagnosis. Get your babies checked and follow your pediatrician's suggestions first and foremost.

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