Sipping Season

Includes Apple Cider - Warm + Spiced 
Festive Fall Teas and Most Nutritional of All 
Bone Broth. 

Whether you prefer beef or chicken, the key to any good nutritious bone broth is the quality of the bones. If they are High-Quality [your local butcher can provide you with a great cut], the broth will naturally provide you with a full robust flavor where spices and vegetables are not needed. Of course, you can still add them in if you prefer a bit more oomph - just be mindful of what you put in, watching the salt content want to keep this clean and healthy. The secret to an incredible bone broth is the "gel". It sounds strange and probably looks less than appetizing to those not used to it, especially when cooled because the "gel" clumps together forming a cloud-like cap on top of the broth. If you've ever refrigerated soup without skimming the fat, you'll know more or less what I'm talking about; silly culinary school nonsense if you ask me. Not only is this flavor central but this is where the healing properties lie. In my opinion, people tend to overcomplicate stocks. Don't worry soo much about the clarity or retaining any of the veggies (should you chose to add them), simply boil the heck out of the bones for 4 - 8 hours [actually you're to simmer them]. Some say nearly 12 hours, but that seems excessive. I've made wonderful bone broth in less than half that time. Some also chose to roast their bones before boiling. If you want to try that method, you'll want to place them into a 425 oven for about 15 minutes before placing them into the water (with and additives if using, which seems more soup-like but you're supposed to strain, then discard any solids before consuming). And so you know, getting back to that "gel cap", if you have a nice thick layer of the good stuff that has solidified on top of the liquid, then you can keep it in your fridge for a couple of weeks. If you don't have a good "gel" layer on top, 3 - 5 days in the fridge max. You can also freeze it up to 4 - 6 months!

A Few Bone Broth Benefits:

    • Helps maintain a strong healthy immune system and enhance energy - the amino acids in bone broth can help boost your energy levels by repairing the immune system and distributing vital nutrients that are easily absorbed.
    • helps to boost your metabolism aiding in weight loss and has a variety of amino acids that can help to improve the appearance of cellulite.
    • It helps to improve your mood by providing your body with what it needs for good tummy health. For digestion and leaky gut, collagen and gelatin are vital proteins that come from bone broth and they help to repair and build up the GI tract.
    • The collagen you get from bone broth helps form connective tissues promoting the elasticity in your skin, hair, and nails, giving you a youthful look. Much like the generic powdered formula everyone is using in their morning coffee and shakes these days - cept, this is all natural and you can control what you put in and subsequently, what you get out of it. It's this same collagen that helps reduce inflammation (arthritis flare ups, joint pain etc..) and can even help to lubricate your joints.

So, here's where I tell you to get into the kitchen, boil up a heafty supply of bone broth and get sipping! It's a sustainable, delicious health and beauty hack.

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