Waste Not, Want Not

Being in fashion, I read magazines.
A LOT of magazines.
Too many magazines...

But here at VixieTodd, my guilty pleasures become your packaging materials! Sounds silly to some - practical to me. As the pages stacked up around me, I figured, why spend more money on that annoying shredded crepe-y paper that gets E-very-where when you open your boxes, when I can just use what I already spend [enough] money on as filler to buffer your goods?

Makes complete sense in my mind. My monthly subscriptions (and the occasional newspaper) is what we use to fill your flat rate boxes. Always sent via USPS priority mail. All we ask is that you dispose of the materials properly. Read, reuse or recycle the pages. We believe in reducing our carbon and ecological footprint as much as possible. Of course we still indulge now and again (and this is a bit of a contradiction, I'm aware), as humans, we're a work in progress; but every little bit helps! So do your part. Reusing the pages is one simple way for us to do ours. As always, Happy Shopping!

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